How to Upload a Logo

Justin Kramer Updated by Justin Kramer

Your logo is an essential part of your brand. An amazing logo that looks great on the platform in all use cases can help attract prospective contributors and advertisers.

You should always have your current logo uploaded to your publisher profile. Failure to provide a logo will prevent your calls for work from being displayed on Kavyar's Get Published page.
  1. Click Edit Profile from your publisher page
  2. Click the Branding tab
  1. Click Upload Logo
  2. Select a .PNG file
  1. If you need to remove a logo because you have chosen the wrong file or because you have updated your logo and need to upload the new file, you can do that by clicking Remove Logo.
  1. The logo will appear on the publication page

Logo Best Practices:

  • Make sure it has a transparent background 
  • It should look good against a dark background. White is recommended. 
  • Keep it simple. Avoid complex designs.
  • After you upload, review how your logo looks through the application
  • It should look great in all different sizes

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