Table of Contents
I. Platform overview
by Sean Morris
Kavyar (pronounced “ka·vee·aar”) is a platform that helps creatives, brands, publications, and agencies make connections, get recognition for their work, and be successful. While Kavyar has a submission feature for creatives to submit work to publishers, Kavyar is also a creative community where members can share work, send messages, build connections, and more.
Understanding Kavyar’s platform can be incredibly useful to publishers who want to grow their brand.
A Kavyar profile page is where creatives can share portfolio photos, city, social links, bio, and more. The profile page is where you can learn everything about a creative, evaluate their work and connect with them through messaging and following.
Publisher Pages (Organization Pages)
You must have a profile to create a Publisher Page or help manage one. Pages are places on Kavyar where publishers can accept submissions and represent their brand with a logo, feature published photos, covers, and more. When someone follows a Page on Kavyar, they can start seeing updates from that Page in their Feed. Publisher pages can create calls for work.
Calls for work
You must have a Publisher Page to create a call for work. Call for work pages are how publishers accept submissions and sell advertising for an issue, social feed, website, or another medium.
Inspiration is a global feed for all the public work uploaded to Kavyar. When members add photos to their profile, they slowly get released into the feeds, and as people love/comment, photos can trend and gain exposure. Publishers can interact with this feed by using their individual accounts, which can love, comment, and share images. Publishers can also upload featured published work to their publisher page, which, like individual creatives' profiles, will also display in the feeds.
Find People
The Find People page is a place where you can search the entire Kavyar community, including creatives, publishers, and agencies. In addition to being able to search, you can also see categories of community profiles in trending, near you, new, and more.
Get Published
The Get Published page is where prospective contributors and advertisers go to select a publisher to follow or to submit their work to. Calls for work can also be saved for later if the member is not ready to submit right away. Publishers and their calls are organized into sections but can also be searched by genre, medium, social score, and more.
This page is the most important to understand for publishers looking to promote their brand and calls