How do message credits work?

Josh Romphf Updated by Josh Romphf

Every Kavyar member receives a monthly quota of message credits, which can be used to start conversations with out-of-network members.

  • Free / no credits needed:
    • All in-network messages (with collaborators or connections)
    • Messages on existing conversations (regardless of who started it)
    • Messages to publishers, brands, agencies, businesses (see limited direct messages)
    • Messages to Kavyar staff
  • 1 credit required:
    • Sending first message to out-of-network member

What are in-network and out-of-network messages?

  • In-network messages are those sent between you and someone you're connected to. There are two types of in-network connections:
    • Collaborators - members credited on the same work as you
    • Mutual connections - members that you invite to connect that accept your invite
When sending a message as a Publication, Business, Brand or Agency you must use a credit if you are starting a new conversation. In network messages are not available to business accounts.
  • Out-of-network messages are those sent between you and anyone you are not connected to via collaboration or other connection. Starting a conversation with someone out-of-network requires using a message credit.
Only brands and agencies with PREMIUM Kavyar business accounts can message publication editors directly. 1 credit will be used when sending the first message to an out-of-network publication editor.

Creative members wishing to contact an editor can send a message to the publisher account.

How many message credits do I get?

Members get a monthly quota of message credits based on their account level:

Creative Accounts

  • Basic - 3 credits / month
  • PRO - 10 credits / month
  • ELITE - 20 credits / month

Publisher Accounts

  • Starter - 6 credits / month
  • PREMIUM - 15 credits / month
  • ELITE Publishers - 25 credits / month

Agency Accounts

  • Basic - 3 credits / month (exlcudes publication editors)
  • PREMIUM - 90 credits / month

Brand/Business Accounts

  • Basic - 3 credits / month (excludes publication editors)
  • PREMIUM - 60 credits / month

When do my credits reset?

Members message credits reset on the first of every month.

How did we do?

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What are genres and keywords?
