Privacy & Safety

Nate Sarr Updated by Nate Sarr

Kavyar takes your privacy and safety extremely seriously. We pride ourselves on maintaining a welcoming community where everyone feels comfortable sharing their work and interacting with other members. No one should ever feel unsafe on our platform.

Settings to Control Your Privacy

Privacy Settings let you control the level of access the public or others have to see your photos and other info.

Profile Privacy

  • Public - Anyone can see your photos, credits, and contact info, including visitors from outside of Kavyar.
  • Members Only - Only Kavyar members can see your portfolio photos, credits, and contact info. Your name and bio will still be visible to the public. Photos you worked on with others may show up in public feeds but your credit will not.
  • In-Network Only - Only collaborators and connections can see your portfolio photos, credits, and contact info. Your name and bio will still be visible to the public. Photos you worked on with others may show up in public feeds but your credit will not.

What happens if I set my privacy to Members Only or In-Network Only and I work on a photo with someone that has a public profile?

  • The photo will be public on the other person's profile, but not on yours.
  • The photo will be eligible to show in feeds.
  • Your credit on the photo will only be shown to Kavyar members. Non-members will not see your credit.
  • Search engines will NOT be able to see your credit information, which means the photo will not be directly and publicly associated with you.

Do privacy settings affect my portfolio website or bio link?

If you are using Kavyar's portfolio website or bio link features, privacy settings do NOT affect them. Website and bio link are always public, unless you choose to turn them off.

If you set this to "Don't Allow", Kavyar will instruct search engines like Google not to link to your profile page. This will also prevent your portfolio photos from being associated with you in search engines.


Blocking can be a useful tool for protecting your privacy, maintaining a positive online experience, and avoiding conflicts or discomfort.

Important: if someone is being abusive towards you or other people on Kavyar, please report them to our community review team. We take the safety of our members very seriously.

What happens when you block someone?

If you block a person, they will no longer be able to see your profile or photos you post. You can still see their profile, however (with most info hidden).

Blocking someone also prevents them from interacting with you. They cannot follow you, send you messages, or credit you, for example.

There are many nuances to how blocking works, especially when it comes to photos with multiple credits, where some of the credits are blocked and some are not. See the Blocking Details section below for a full rundown of how it all works.

How to block someone

Go to their profile and press the “...” icon, then press Block Profile and confirm.

How to block a photo

Go to the photo and press the ... icon, then press Block Photo and confirm.

How to view your blocked people and photos

Navigate to SettingsBlocking and press Manage Blocked Profiles or Manage Blocked Photos.

How to unblock a person or photo

Navigate to Settings > Blocking and press Manage Blocked Profiles or Manage Blocked Photos. Then press Unblock next to the person or photo you’d like to unblock.

Blocking Details
  • If you block someone, they will no longer be able to see your profile or photos you post
  • Blocking someone (or being blocked by someone else) also prevents:
    • Crediting
    • Messaging
    • Following
    • Loving/commenting/mentioning on uploaded work
    • Starting or submitting a submission (when a publisher blocks someone)
    • Sending a submission message on a canceled submission (when a publisher blocks a submitter)
  • Blocking a photo will remove it from all of your feeds
  • A photo is considered blocked if you blocked the photo directly OR if you blocked the original poster
    • If you blocked anyone else credited besides the poster, the photo will show, but their credit will be hidden
    • If you block one of your collaborators, their credits will NOT be hidden on your photos
    • If you love or comment on a photo with a blocked credit (not the poster), they will not get a notification, but other credited people will
  • Blocking a collaborator does not change the status of any existing credits, but does prevent new credits from being added
  • Past notifications and messages from a blocked profile will show but no new notifications from blocked profiles will be created
  • Blocked profiles can show in Find People browse/search, but their photos won't show and you can't follow them or view their full profile

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My Portfolio Was Not Accepted. What Next?

Commenting Etiquette
